For as far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a product designer. As a young kid, I was interested in product and innovation; I would fill my Five Star notebooks with ideas and my best guess at what schematics are. Over the years, I slowly learned more about product design and put the pieces together; it was a long hard road filled with failures at every turn. Before I was a trained UX designer, my hobby was to dream up product ideas with business models and sketch mockups for fun. I have never been happier with my work as I look back at my progress with amazement and a bit of cringe. Please enjoy a look at my past product designs, and thank you for your interest in my portfolio.



Premier social networking app with exclusive social media features. GoBridge connects you with people of similar interests, locally and globally. When you match with someone the app helps foster the relationship in the chat feed with innovative features.

Users are initially matched for 15 days only; this validation period ensures that only through meaningful conversation will the match become a genuine network connection. If the match doesn't chat with you or is not perfect for your network, then the match is removed automatically on the 15th day. Users can transfer the connection onto any other platform (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) for free, or you can preserve your new connection on the GoBridge platform by paying a toll of $1. Each user pays the toll to keep the match permanently on GoBridge. The pay toll allows you to control your media feed by controlling whom you retain as your network. The psychology being the toll is an excuse not to accept someone's friend request or feel the social guilt of denying the request or unfollowing. GoBridge solves the problem of social discomfort by automatically removing the match on the 15th day. Paying the toll is seen as an enormous symbol of friendship, disrupting the socially accepted standard of hoarding an extensive online network of people you don't know well. GoBridge's is a private network you build with family and friends, new and old, that you validated as your exclusive network. It's these exclusive people you see in your GoBridge social media feed along with content providers such as The Chive, BuzzFeed, NatGeo, News Sites, and more. GoBridge focuses on building an optimal UX that helps people connect and match lasting genuine friendships online and IRL.

GoBridge= A network of people worth paying for.

Business Model

Pay the Toll: When users want to keep the connection permanently and pay $1 each, $2 total.

Freemium package ($6.99) with multiple perks added to user experience such as mini-games like tic-tac-toe, Free Toll to keep matches permanently, also limited ads.

Advertising program displaying ads every 15-20 slides. With live data being used such as the user's answer to engaging questions and user location, advertisers can reach target markets more efficiently.

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Winner of 2017 Angelhack Hackathon Boston. After I graduated from General Assembly’s UX Design course I redesigned this concept with the help of friends as we conducted a three-week sprint and full UX cycle. This is the original concept and mockups.

Discourse platform that incentives by rewarding winners of debates with prize money. Selected debaters will have a time period to debate via text and video, the viewers can watch and support their favorite debater by clicking a support button under the debaters’ profile, this prompts an ad(s) to display. The winner of the debate is the person that gets the most support clicks, the sponsor revenue and/or the ad revenue generated from the debate is then awarded to the winner. Attached to each debate page will be the transcript of the debates from the text and video content, this allows viewers to share quotes to social media, they will also be able to comment in an open chat room and fact check the debaters. The revenue from each ad is a small more symbolic gesture, but with enough buzz about the debate, funds will accumulate to possibly hundreds or thousands of dollars. The winner of the debate is whichever debater wins the most money, it is a winner-take-all. For average debates, winners could walk away with a few dollars, high profile debaters such as if Neil Degrasse Tyson were to debate a flat-earthier and managed to receive 1 million donations of .02 cents, the winner would take $20K. Users are encouraged to share the debate on social media promoting their view on a subject. Business Model

• Ad revenue split with debate winners

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After graduating from General Assembly’s UX Design course I revisited a product concept my friend and I had and joined their startup to iterate the design and concept to keep working on my skills in mobile design. You can see the latest version in my portfolio. This was the original concept and mockups.

Mobile/Web app, you sign up for free to take part in a continuous social experiment where ChatBowl's entire user base gets opted in a daily lottery in which only two people per day are selected to match and chat, with a random person for one week. The time limit on each chat makes the platform have only seven exclusive open chat feeds at any given time. During the week of the chat, the entire user base gets to watch the seven chat feeds live. At the end of the week, the public can comment on the conversation for one additional week. The thrill of being the center of attention, having thousands of people watching your conversation with a stranger is appealing and novel to any experience offered in today's market. Having a soapbox to express your opinions and have discourse with your match. If the match is based on romance the users give updates on the progress of the date live, it becomes a mini bachelor show developing within the app. Matches are chosen based on the topic of the day. Topics will be: Political _global/local), Opposing views on issues, Romance/Dating, Similar Interest, Random, Game Gauntlet

Business Model

• Ads

• Sponsorship

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Political game that lets you play as a civil servant with a team to solve social issues. Users are matched in teams of a dozen, where all have various capabilities pertaining to their character’s position, i.e. President, Senator, Congressperson, Major, Federal Judge, Governors, and more. Users work together to form resolutions to problems that citizens face every day. Users work together answering questions from in-house and user-submitted. The winning performance is the top score of upvoted answers that are available for public viewing, commenting, and discussion.



Verra City

Virtual reality’s premier cross-platform product. A virtual city where everyone can visit, socialize, search the web, view native content, and play games with other users. VerraCity is a social search platform designed as an open world environment with heavy urban marketing methods throughout the city.

The urban marketing methods, such as billboards, store signs, posters, decorated cars, trucks, buses, and trains, decorated street elements – manhole covers, plants (think bush shaped like a beer bottle with a logo attached), bus benches, and light posts. All these marketing methods are links to web content such as Amazon, Facebook, YouTube, Buzzfeed, Twitter, Wikipedia,  Blog Sites, and more. Searching for web content in this manner is intuitive and helpful because the user can view the website in its entirety as well as chat with customer service avatars and other people searching for similar interests in real-time. This social search effect is created when avatars in similar locations have similar interests based on the content advertised. If you are searching for sneakers, all the city advertising will be for sneaker brands, and all the avatars in your vicinity will be customer reps or people also searching for sneakers. There will be themed sections of the city such as a sports district, a media/entertainment district, also a cartoonish section for kids with a real Sesame Street, and much more. The city culture grows organically by sectioning web content and allowing people of similar interest to congregate in virtual neighborhoods and districts. VerraCity is a fun way to explore web content, meet new people, and enjoy virtual reality in a casual manner.

VerraCity = One City for the Whole World

Business Model

• Highly developed advertising programs and affiliate programs. All urban marketing methods within the city are part of the advertising program or an affiliate program.

• In-app purchases such as skins for avatars, accessories for avatars and unlock mini-games.

• Companies and content creators can sponsor street(s) and district(s) or purchase building(s) and design them as they like controlling what content gets advertised on their building(s) and sharing the profits with VerraCity.

• Licensing the city design to content creators to make video games and animated films with VerraCity as the backdrop for their story plots.

• Licensing the city code to developers that want to build their own city or district and brand it for their niche, we will offer other services for these customers such as back-end support.

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 I created a business plan for an incubator to allow myself the opportunity to design products with the intention of recruiting executive teams to grow the business


In closing, I want to thank General Assembly and the wonderful instructors their for teaching me how to appreciate my passion properly, and turn my hobby into my career.

Thank you.



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