

Belmont Pharmacy is a local pharmacy store serving both Belmont and Watertown, Ma. The store's patrons wanted an easy method to order their supplies and prescriptions online and have them delivered the same day. To address this problem I redesigned their website to include an e-commerce platform where customers can buy supplies, order and update their prescriptions, and have them delivered the same day. 



E-commerce web design

Individual work




Card Sort

Google Drive

Pen & Paper


Solution Prototype


Make it stand out.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Competitive Analysis

I viewed the websites of competitors local to Belmont Pharmacy including CVS and Walgreens. My findings were that the big brand companies excelled in all areas with the exception of customer service. I also concluded that shipping and delivery are industry standards for big brand pharmacies and for small stores to stay competitive need to adopt the practice in some way. 

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Card Sorting

Two Participants 100 products

Closed Card Sorting 8 Categories

  • Health Care

  • Personal Care

  • Household Items

  • Pain Relief 

  • Cold / Flu

  • Vitamins

  • Refill Prescription

  • On Sale


I drew my category influence from the competition then after each sort discussed each topic with my participants asking if there were any other titles that would make for a better category title. The result was the change from Supplies to Household Items.


Interview Findings


Ten users


screened, and interviewed

to identify key areas of focus.

  • Local small pharmacies have more personable customer service.

  • Customers buy a few simple items for a quick shopping experience in pharmacy stores.

  • Customers focus on sales and deals at pharmacies more than other stores.  

  • Industry Standard delivery is helpful and convenient for all customers. 



I designed some draft sketches to guide me in my design process. I drew inspiration from the CVS and Amazon websites to give Belmont Pharmacy customers a familiar feel with the experience of the site. 



I designed the site map with the added e-commerce and profile platforms to meet customer demand and industry standards. The original site was not robust and the original profile page was mainly for prescription refills.

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User flow

The user flow I designed describes the steps to find and purchase a product and sign in/up for a site profile.

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Usability Test & Iterations



  • I want to learn the process in which users finds a product

  • I want to learn the process the user makes to complete a purchase

  • I want to learn the process the users make to sign up for the website.


  • Please find and add a bottle of shampoo to your cart

  • Please complete a purchase 

  • Please sign up for the website

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  • Profile page to highlight the prescription history and refill notifier. Product order history to list format

  • Widen checkout panel, add shipping options. 

  • Global Nav icons where too big and not centered, lines in between icons needed to be shaded down

  • Deleted social media links from Global Nav

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Key Takeaways

 I found it personally insightful to witness customers happily interacting with the store owner on a personal level. The customer service is top-notch and the attention to detail when filling prescriptions was professional and didn't feel rushed. The personal products on the shelves didn’t seem to be selling fast and with a CVS just 100 yards away that aspect of Belmont Pharmacy business is at serious risk. From my interviews I learned that the reason a customer would shop at a pharmacy is sometimes different from the reasoning a customer would shop at a grocery store, the reasoning I found was pharmacy stores are great for a quick purchase of a few items, while when a customer thinks to shop at a grocery store they have a more detailed list of items to buy. Pharmacy shopping is a quick trip to run to buy a band-aid or batteries. Grocery store shopping usually requires a week’s worth of items and supplies. With this in mind, I think Belmont Pharmacy can lean in and supply the micro-purchases of a few items and have them delivered the same day which is a current business practice.


DCU Innovation Center


Product Design